020 8455 9939 reception@999medical.com


What can you do to reduce the risk of heart disease?

A number of factors increase a person’s risk of heart disease. There are two types of risk factors; non-modifiable risk factors and modifiable risk factors.

Non-modifiable risk factors

  1. Family history: The likelihood of heart disease is greater where there is family history of heart disease
  2. Age related risk factors: The risk of cardiac disease increases with age. The older you become, the higher the risks.
  3. Gender: Men are more likely to have heart attacks than women
  4. Menopause: Women are at a greater risk of cardiac disease after menopause
  5. Race: The risk of heart disease is greater in people of South Asian origin. This is associated with higher rates of diabetes in this population

Modifiable risk factors

  1. Smoking: You can reduce your risk of heart disease if you stop smoking
  2. Raised cholesterol: You can lower your cholesterol levels, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels through diet
  3. High blood pressure: You can reduce high blood pressure by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet
  4. Diabetes: You can control your blood sugar levels by reducing your sugar intake and maintaining a healthy diet

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Opening Hours

  • Mon - Thurs 08:00 - 20:00
  • Fri - 08:00 - 16:00


  • 999 Medical
    999 Finchley Road
    London NW11 7HB

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